Thursday 11 April 2013

woldwrath washing stone

applied a thin softbody black wash to the recessed areas and when that dried applied a layer of stone wash over the legs and hips.

the softbody black shows thru just abit making the recessed areas darker but not black..i think thats a better effect then the slate black paint I tried on the woldwatcher.
hardest part of doing a wash like this over such a big figure is not being streaky and or reapplying tomany times that it darkens to much.

fun times :)

knuckled down and got the rest of the stone wash applied before crashin lastnight.
 I like it but I'm wondering if its abit to dark and maybe I should go back and apply a light drybrush highlight over it all using mostly a very light grey with a touch of the stone wash mixed into it. I'll have to decide to night after work

Definately pleased this part is moving along so fast..tho I'm sure doing all the runes next is gonna be mind numbing :)

applied a very light bright grey/green drybrush highlight layer to try and brighten it up a bit after the wash

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