Sunday 14 April 2013

woldwrath rune work

so started on the second stage of the runes..doing a slight halo along the edge of the runes in fallout wash mixed with some green trying to go for a half in half out effect.that way the falloutwash will seem brighter in the middle and now as much at the edges and give abit of a glow effect...maybe

at this just well doesn't look great but in for a penny in for a pound :)

as well painted the log ends that are on the sprew and sewer brown washed them..gonna have to brighten up the ends of the logs as well as maybe a slight dry brush over the wood..I think i'm gonna put some brush on sealer on them before trying to glue them on just so handling them so much hopefully won't rub off the paint.

and after second runes layer adding in the fallout wash

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