Wednesday 29 May 2013

soviet smg teams progress

The two HMG crews are dullcoated(i skipped glosscote due to the figures being dipped) and added alittle dead grass flocking some mold lines from the plastic showed thru..but not to bad. My buddy doesn't like the red edges to the base and thinks it should match the ground color but I'm not sure..I kinda like having the Trim Soviet Red.. I don't think the top  ground basing will match the tables we play on anyways..

So I think I got the process worked out. I'm using Spackle instead of woodfiller on the base holes. once filled I press the mini's down so it creates a footprint that puts the integrated base at ground level without a visible lip.

When its almost white(dried) I pry out  the figures and let the base spackle finish drying then using uniform grey colored primer prime them up.
After that sewer wash over the base then drybrush and paint little details.

I got a couple popsicle sticks glued together and got a stand made by a buddy so I can paint and dip them all as one and the stand makes it easier to hold the popsicle stick while painting.

I should be able to work on about 8 to 10 mini's and 4 bases all at the same time doing it this way. Using desert Yellow colored primer as a base cote for the figures seems to be working out fine

so I got these guys painted..dipped and the bases painted and ready for tomorrow as well as got the next two bases prepped and primed and the next set of 8 figures basecoat primed..
If all goes well .I should be able to do 2 teams a day this way....Red Bear Assembly line engaged

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