Monday 27 May 2013

Soviet FOW army painting begins

I decided to switch back to the flames of war stuff..I can get some figures done pretty easily.
These guys are gonna be 100% quick basecoat..then dipped tabletop standard. I just dont' have it in me to try and do super detailed painting on 15mm figures.
The bases I'm using are the sculpted plastic ones so Ill just be base coating..then dry brushing and detailing stuff like rubble etc then gluing figures down and blending.

heres first 6 figures and two bases started.
These are Soviet summertime uniform colors. following the Flames of War basic soviet color guide.
I did the brush on dip technique and I hope that buy the time the dip is dry the two bases will be completed.
I'm thinking of painting the edges of the bases Soviet Red but I'll wait to see how the drybrushing turns out. I plan to use the same colors I did for the woldwrath base since I really liked the tones I got with that.

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