Tuesday 1 October 2013

bertok fur and boots

i applied a couple tanned skin highlight glaze layers ot the top of areas of the abdomen and shoulders..its a slight change but I think it will do.

I then started working on the fur trim..I started doing a few layers of the tanned skin highlight colors then worked up to linen white
had some issues with to much paint on the brush running into the creveses so applied a thinned black wash to it and built the linen white back up.
I think the last layer might be pushing it to far..but I tend to hold back on them so figured ..why not and see how it goes..
would have been faster to drybrush the fur before doing the skin tho heh.

after that worked on the leather straps around the boots..using a blend of the lonestar leather and tanned leather for the midtone up to just tanned leather for the highlights....this one I didnt' lighten the paint for a last highlight..I was afraid it would be to much.

slow going painting everything thinned down so much ..but its good practice to find the right blend consistancy..

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