Saturday 12 October 2013

dain continues

I made some more progress on basecoating the Dain.
I used a blend of 2 parts marigold yellow to 1 part mahogany brown for the beard and eyebrows.
dusty skin for the basecoat of the fur and tanned skin for the basecoat of the horns. as well i used ultramarine shadow as basecoat color for the cloth pieces.
i did most of the base drybrush work trying for a crumbly granite dustly color.
I think i'll switch back to working on the steel layering next.

with the bones figure primed i don't mind painting it..tho i can tell a difference around the edges of things when painting..its the biggest difference..where with the metal the edges are sharper/deeper i find thinned paint will almost slightly flow to the edge of the metal and stop. Im noticing i can't rely on that effect with the bones to help keep my edges could be just less definition..i notice this trying to paint the mustache under the nose especially..not a showstopper but its worth noting

bit messy looking but its just roughing out at this point..painting around and under the shield is definately not easy If i was going to start again id leave the metal shield on the sprew and just use a sculpting tool to pry off the glued in shield arm and paint it separately.

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