Sunday 31 March 2013

warborn alpha detail and shading

did some more detail shading and highlighting work on the head/helmet, the  axe and back spikes. .I  need to work on highlighting the skin and leather parts tomorrow.

Saturday 30 March 2013

warpborn alpha armor

switching back to the the alpha and finished basecoating the axe and head. as well got all the stages of the armor finished.

Its international Boardgame daytoday so calling it a day on painting now and gonna be heading over the to the gameclub and see If  I can't get a couple games in.
I really do love this sculpt its the best looking skinwalker I think

Friday 29 March 2013

woldwatch runes continued

so i decided to try mixing in some goblin green paint into the fallout wash to make it abit greener and applied it over the slate black areas letting it run into the runes abit but not filling in the runes so some of the yellow still comes thru.
I think its abit better taking the edge off the black and making the runes more greenish/yellow.

anyone agree or think it looks worse this way?

I'm wondering  now, if i hadn't just mixed abit of green into the black first..then after putting the white in the runes lining the edges with green then using the fallout wash in the runes wouldn't be a better and a bit cleaner of a sequence.

OR, if just doing a blackwash in the slateblack sections before applying the stone wash and skipping the black/grey paint wouldn't have given a similar but more natural dark  stone shaded effect..

Anyways this guys was meant more of an experiment to try things before tackling the big one so its been a good learning experiance.

Thursday 28 March 2013

woldwatcher runes

so trying out the yellow/green runes in the woldwatcher
taking a white paint and diluting till its about halfway to a wash in consistancy I basically let the white paint run into the runes crevices.
load up the brush and gently touch within the cracks and it flows thru the channel.
after it all dried I used more of the black slate to touch up the edges where the brush touched to high and out of the cracks.

after thats was all dried I used the fallout yellow/green wash over the white of the runes. I liked the white look ok as a progression but after the wash its not really what i was looking for.Feels to scifi ish .
 I might need to use a green semi translucent wash and halo around the runes and then put some more white wash back in the runes to try and create a more glowing effect..

Wednesday 27 March 2013

skinwalker unit completed

still need to flock 2 and finish the UA Warpborn Alpha but the 5 original unit pieces are done

woldwatcher washes

I got all the ropes basecoated and the redwood parts painted .
I used the stone wash over the granite parts, a softbody black wash over the black slate parts and a brown wash over the wood and ropes.
once its all dried well It should be ready to tackle the runes and start doing some highlighting and detail work on the wood and ropes.

woldwatcher basecoating

got the base coat down for the wood branches and a slategrey/black color down for the recessed part of the construct with the runes.
I'm gonna give the darkgrey a coating of blacksoftbody wash and then use the green/yellow runes glow color in them.
I'm hoping to get some brush on gloss sealer to leave the black slate sections shiney when its done so it looks like polished black slate inside and rough stone around the edges...or well thats what I was thinking anyways.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

woldwatcher started

it was almost 10 celcius today so decided to try spraypainting the woldwatcher with uniform grey colored primer outside.

then used progressively lighter shades of grey to drybrush the stone highlights.gonna basecoat the wood sticks and vines next and try a couple different ideas on each arm and then pick one.

skinwalker #5 finished

finished up the fifth skinwalker ready for glosscote and then baseflocking

skinwalker Alpha up next

Sunday 24 March 2013

skinwalker #5 armor detailing

as usual i'm behind on my time estimates. Got  the gold layering done on the armor as well as highlighting and shading on the helmet

Saturday 23 March 2013

skinwalker #5 armor washes

so after the softbody black wash lining dried used the red/black wash inside all the recesses liberally. as long as it doesn't breach the edges of armor its all good.
.will let it set and dry and then use gold over the bronze..highlights.

skinwalker #5 shading armor

so finished up with skinwalker #4 just needs to be glosscoted later.
started on 5th..after basecoating armor I use a softbody black to line around the edges of the raised parts that will be painted gold.

Friday 22 March 2013

skinwalker #4

got some more detail work done on the 4th skinwalker..gonna work on the cloak and gloves and arms tomorrow.
Tried using a little more dark brown wash in around the eye socket to make it seem more sunken and menacing.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

first trio completed, armor on fourth done

so got the first 3 clearcoated/dullcoated and base flocking all done. As well finished the armor on the fourth and going to work on lining/shading after game tonight.
Heres the completed trio

Sunday 17 March 2013

Saturday 16 March 2013

skinwalker 3 and more new circle figures

Finally got back to painting the skinwalkers got the 3rd's armour shaded/washed and gold highlighted as well as using a brown wash to shade/line the rest of the figure.
Did abit of work on cleaning up the face as well. I should get most of the highlighting done tomorrow if not all of it depending on how things go.

As well I picked up another couple figures at the league.I feel compelled to buy something since theirs no dues or anything.
The new Hordes Gargantuan book launched this week and I picked up the new Warlock for Circle
Morvahna The Dawnshadow, she's a Light Cavalry Warlock that is arguably one of the best if not the best caster in the book.
Plus is a gorgeous model.
I was gonna pin and attach her to the Goat later then broke the bit off in the hole in the saddle an decided ..screw it lets glue her down now..its a sign at least Ill be able to use her for this weeks league game.

As well I picked up a box of Gallows Groves which are basically just used for your warlock to cast thru to extend their spell casting range.
After the league game I could see why everyone says for 1 point each one or two of them are pretty crucial with spell heavy Warlocks like Ekrueger.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

villiage accessories finished

finally finished assembling everything and in the end i think this will be a great set for gaming table.
I'm glad I didn't go in for the bigger sets during the kickstarter cuz now that i see it all its more then enought.

Only thing i really don't like is the plain roofs look like they're recessed too much and should be ontop more..
pieces are really sooty to ..must be from the laser cutter. Once its warm gotta get an aircompressor outside to lightly blow them off. I'm sure it will get better over time.
all the carts and stuff took longer to cutout and assemble then the buildings..

Tuesday 12 March 2013

more buildings assembled

got 3 more buildings built..sets really comign together. just need to do the bridge and 2 more accessory kits.
also got the gorax primed. Lookingforward to getting back to work on the skinwalkers.

Sunday 10 March 2013

more buildings assembled

got the apothecary and the justice pack assembled slowly but surely

gorax assembled and fishermans shack assembled

Heres first building finished with pkaya beside it for scale
got the gorax assembled and used greenstuff to clean up cracks..lot of area's didn't lineup really well.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Medieval Village assembly

started glueing together parts of walls..gonna have to buy some more small clamps.

instant puddy attempt #2

so made a second scenic base insert using instant putty.
this time I wore latex gloves and did not wet my fingers and it was much better unlike greenstuff water seems to make it more sloppy not easier to handle. It was alittle awkward with gloves trying to kneed it together but having clean hands after was worth it.

I think this one turned out good..defects left are more likely flaws in the mold itself.
so if my first attempt was a 5/10 this was easily a 7/10
biggest flaw i find is it sets so fast you have to really accurately guess the volume of putty you need.
I overestimated this one and had enough left to make a 30mm base if it didn't set so fast ,but had to throw it away.
overall i would estimate i can make 10 to 12 40mm base inserts for 10dollars worth of instant putty.
the inserts themselves cost about 5 dollars each for the 40mm so overtime its a nice savings.

If I can get greenstuff for the same price/volume I'll still go with it..but if you can't get it for a good price the instant putty isn't as bad as I thought initially.

woldwarden assembled and scenic based

turned out pretty good

Wednesday 6 March 2013

lego press

tried a fairly flat base insert with the lego press for a test
turned out much better then the first try.

Sunday 3 March 2013

skinwalker #2

finished up the leather cloak highlighting of skinwalker #1 and glosscoated.
While its drying I did some work on the armour of walker #2 and wash lining and shading of the gloves and belts and leather etc.
as well got the eyes done and added some bronze to the face mask and used some  armor wash to shade it.

as well I drilled out the greenstuff base and attached Epic Krueger to it and primed it up. its an interesting figure thats attached to the slot tab by the robes since he's suppose to fly. I clipped out the middle section and just drilled/filed slots into the base.

Trying to learn abit from all these axes being in the way I just put some grey sticktack into the right shoulder socket and will attache the arm and spear after the bodies been painted :)

Saturday 2 March 2013

skinwalker #1

spent sometime working on highlighting the gloves and belt, the skin on the arms and the leather across the chest and legs..
I think i didn't allow enough room for graduation of tone on the front leather piece hanging from the belt..might go back and redo it.
gotta get the shaft of the poleaxe done and the fur of what I can only guess is a tail tied to it

spent some more timeworking on the axe pretty much done..tried adding some runefang steel to the face mask and axe for highlighting
and some armor wash for shading on the facemask and shoulder armor and to the armor rivets.

cleaned up the face and highlighted the nose and painted worked on the eyes.
I think its getting pretty close to finished cept the back cloak..I do need to spend sometime and research how to do better shading and highlighting on real metalic metals