Wednesday 24 October 2012

2nd Druid down

finished off the second druid and dipped it(its the shiny on one on the right)..thinned the dip abit and definately made an effort to shake off more of the quickshade.
I can see a real difference in a the amount left on it..hope I left enough..might be somewhere in the middle will be best. in 24hrs Ill dullcoat and compair it to the first one on the far left and see which i prefer.

I've started on the 3rd druid, trying to go with a yellow/gold mask on this one of the fall colors seems I'm low on golden yellow.

pic after dullcoating second..gotta flock it and finish basing but it turned out ok..i can see the final highlighting was a bit to strong..gotta use thinnner lighter highlights for the last part.

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