Tuesday 30 October 2012

3rd completed, half way there.

heres the 3rd full flocked and the first 3 of the unit all together.

starting 4th

its amess at this point, gotta fix the right eye .gonna be challenging to get behind the weapon there is alot of visible body behind it.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

2nd Druid down

finished off the second druid and dipped it(its the shiny on one on the right)..thinned the dip abit and definately made an effort to shake off more of the quickshade.
I can see a real difference in a the amount left on it..hope I left enough..might be somewhere in the middle will be best. in 24hrs Ill dullcoat and compair it to the first one on the far left and see which i prefer.

I've started on the 3rd druid, trying to go with a yellow/gold mask on this one of the fall colors seems I'm low on golden yellow.

pic after dullcoating second..gotta flock it and finish basing but it turned out ok..i can see the final highlighting was a bit to strong..gotta use thinnner lighter highlights for the last part.

Monday 22 October 2012

finished first druid

welp it didn't turn out to bad..little darker then I wanted, think the quickshade is getting alittle thick again.
But not to shabby..looks ok with Shifting stones I think.
5 more to go and the full unit will be done.

Sunday 21 October 2012

druid ready for dip

so I think Its done except dipping which will deepen the shading. this will be a good reference for a before and after to see how much it darkens the colors .

Saturday 20 October 2012

druid highlights

so working some more..got basic highlights on body and cloak applied..trying to decide if it needs more. I want the cloak to be black with green highlights not green with black shadows, if that makes sense.

Friday 19 October 2012

progress is slow

Still working on the Druids but things are slow, I' wondering if I shouldn't have painted everything before I glued the weapon arm on.
Its very hard to get inbehind to base coat things. little more experimenting wiht dry brushing the metal trim over a black basecoat, which turned out well. I have one more cloak to base coat then im ready to start highlighting the brown leather and blend some green highlights into the black cloaks

Sunday 14 October 2012

Work on Druids of Orboros begins

Welp off and running starting to paint the 6 Druid figures. I started one then when I was almost finished base coating It dawned on me I should be doing all of them at the same time for each stage of work. So i went back and started the red for the armor and then dry brushed bronze for its trim.will do some gold highlights once its cleaned up.
I'm gonna do black cloaks with a deep green highlight and brown shirt and pants.
I think that will the autumn basing should look really good.

Here they are so far.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Shifting Stones completed

Well the first unit for My Circle of Orboros Army is complete.
They didn't turn out to bad, The Quickshade did take some of the color of green away from the middle but I can live with it.
I tried putting a bit of realistic water on the leaves on the one with the skull infront but I think I'll need to make sure theres more of a hole for it to work properly...right now it just looks like glossy glue.

I used some Autumn Clumps a bit of Autumn Leaves and winter dead static grass, I think overall I'm pretty happy with how the basing turned out for the first bases I've ever done.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Reaper Delivery arrived!

Ok I've been blowin cash like its going out of style. But this is the last delivery for a while.
Just a small one of empty eyedropper bottles ,3 Bones Mini's I want to use to test priming and painting before the kickstarter ones arrive next March. And some Dry Retarder and Flow Improver additives for adding to my paints when thinning them.

So since I started Painting Boardgames around April 2012ish I've now come to the conclusion..I FUCKING HATE Paint pots!
Yep they drive me nuts, could be my OCD compulsions for precision and neatness but I find scooping paint from a pot to mix in a pot extremely frustrating..specially when mixing..since its hard to replicate was it a big blob..or smaller

I bought a couple of paints in eyedroppers and wham! thats what I wanted..who knew. So not wanting to waste the paint I already bought, nor putting up with this kinda frustration any longer then needed. I transfered all the Citadel Paints into Reaper Eyedropper bottles.

Good times

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Work started on Shifting Stones

Welp I decide to start with the easiest first for Orboros. Everythings primed so started doing the Shifting stones.
Its mostly drybrush work..but its coming together ok. Still need to decide what to do about shading. Not sure weather to DIP, Wash or what..not sure. As well I need to decide what static grass to use and how much autumn clumps to apply

Heres pic of work in progress

Monday 8 October 2012

orboros contin...

Ok bases are all dried glued grit is all cleaned up and then Primed a bunch using Armypainters Brown Leather colored Primer.
was getting to dark out to see well so will finish the rest tomorrow.
Very excited to get these painted.

circle of orboros basing

So I'm still waiting for the 1/8th magnets to come in before I can finish the Legion and Circle heavy's.
So while waiting I figured I'd get started on beginning of basing the rest of the orboros army then prime it.

I'm just going with a very basic basing.(ahem cheap) heh.
So I glued down some crushed almonds for rocks and put a thinned down layer of white glue and sprinkled a blend of kittylitter and sand over it.
Once Dry I'll brush off the loose grit and then I'm gonna prime/basecoat them with Armypainter LeatherBrown Colored Spray Primer.

I'm gonna try and do an autumn theme inspired by the bluetablepaintings version on youtube(which is spectacular).

So here is the figures still loaded with excess grit in 2hrs the glue should be really dried and I'll brush off the excess.

Friday 5 October 2012

Thagrosh Prophet of Everblight

Got a delivery today and looking thru the stuff I got I decided to start assembly of pThagrosh.
 The body and legs and left sword arm are all separate.So figured this is a good time to try learning how to  pin a figure.

 There is going to be alot of pressure on the waist superglue joint. so pinning is where you put a piece of a small rod into both pieces before glueing to provide support and stop it from breaking apart if it falls over etc.

So I drilled one one hole into top of legs. Stuck some stickytak on the torso and pressed it down on the legs where they line up.
when you pull away it leaves a nib where the drilled hole was that lines up on the torso where you need to drill.

After drilling then you simply superglue a small rod piece into the base..then put glue in the torso hole and inbetween the two pieces and squeeze together.
The seam is good tho it might need some small greenstuff for blending the edge.

I think i'm gonna do the same for the left arm, tho with a smaller post.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Kaya the moonhunter

well this is whats in the box..not quite sure how to assemble this one..gonna try and get some advice from the forums.

Legion Devils

Got started on legion devils. I decided to try a technique for the armour  I saw in a video. Basically the armour was primed black and used a metallic dry brush before base coating any of the other colors..then use a brighter color of metalic for highlighting.
I think it looks pretty good for a start..will have to see how it turns out when its finished.

Monday 1 October 2012

Back to Ashardalon

Between the Reaper Warlord Mini's and the Hordes Mini's I kinda got away from finishing all the Wrath of Ashardalon figures.
So I finished off the other two Human Cultists, I'm working on the Legion Devil's next.
So without further fanfair heres the latest.
They turned out ok tho I notice some bad splotchy streaks in the Stain/Varnish in a couple spots.I'll have to try and be more careful on the next ones