Thursday 28 February 2013

experiment with instant mold

bought some malifaux base inserts and some intant mold..gonna try it out.
I need to make a proper mold and press but for now just doing it by hand
just need to wait 8hrs to let the greenstuff harden  now.

Monday 25 February 2013

skinwalker #1 armour

ahh sunday night insomnia..welp figured if i can't sleep I'll work somemore on the skinwalkers

1 did some lining on recessed areas with a brown wash and a black wash around the edges of the gold armors inner bevels before using  a black/red wash over the red parts of the armor after the black dried.
also added a layer of gold over the outer surfaces of the bronze armor.

Sunday 24 February 2013

warpwolf skinwalkers armour

got the rest of the armor basecoated red.need to do some wash lining next I think and some red/black armour wash.
after that down to highlighting each till completed.

Saturday 23 February 2013

warpwolf skinwalkers basecoating continueed.

So I got the rest of the bronze armor finished on all of them. Then I got the gloves and leather belts and straps all basecoated.
I applied a first coat of black to the bases just to get the excess brown out of the way.
I applied the diluted Flesh wash to all the fur and think it looks better and less powerdery and a nicer orange tone.
Tho at the moment the bronze metalic and orange fur are abit overpowering.
Once I have the red parts of the armor done and the gold layering of the armor done I think it will even out.

I got the basecoat red o the armor done on one. I'll be working to do that on the rest then some black/brown wash's to line/shade after that.
I think once thats done i'm gonna transition from bulk group painting to focus on one at a time.

heres updated pics so far.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Warpborn Skinwalkers progressing

I think I got all the drybrushing done that I needed to do.The fur/ cloackfur trim and chainmail is all done.
As well as the basic highlights for the base material.

After that I went back with the brown paint and cleaned up the the leather where it had needed it.
I left the areas that are gonna be painted over other colors.

I was debating making the cloaks a different color then leather or mustard yellow..but I figured why not use the primer looks good with it.and I think the orange fur and red and gold armor will look good with brown cloaks.

I think I'm good to just proceed with basecoating the rest of the colors..I think getting the bronze armor started will really brighten them up.

wash's and drybrushing skinwalkers fur

applied an orange/brown wash to most of the back fur then some softbody black more centeralized.
also used some linenwhite for lower face and checks of the skinwalkers that don't have helmets on.

tried drybrushing lighter colors for hightlights on the fur..might have did it abit to much.starting to lose the orange color..hard to say til I get some more colors down.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Warpborn Skinwalkers Fur

Started on basecoat color of the Chainmail and fur. I'm gonna try and do the same coloring I used for the Winter Argus..a Red Wolf/Red Fox look.

the back of the cloaks have 2 rows of fur trim..I'm not sure if I'm gonna do a grey/white color or brown/blond ..I'll make a decision by tomorrow.

Thursday 14 February 2013

warpborn skinwalkers

got the warpborn alpha cleaned up and primed while the Druid overseer's gloss coat dries.

Monday 11 February 2013

druid overseer highlighting and washes

so spent some more time on doing some wash's over the red of the armor /face and stone and bone pieces and staff
started on the highlighting on the black cloak and robes and did some minor highlights on the red/brown leather boots/chest belt and handle of axe.
still need to add a gold layer to the bronze of the armor and weapons which I'll tackle tomorrow I might try to glaze some black wash into the recesses to help clean up the highlighting lines...

Sunday 10 February 2013

druid overseer basecoated

finished up laying down the basecoat on the druid overseer. and abit of drybrushing. its ready for some wash's for shading and lining some edges and then start on the highlighting.

Thursday 7 February 2013

druid wilder highlighting

finished some washes on the figure and started on a layer of highlighting and some more details.
tried to fix the big eye but its still abit to big looking.

its a snow day so did some more work on highlighting the hair , stone jewelry and sash

think i gotta start tackeling the staff highlights next

as well i got the warspear chieftain and warpborn alpha Unit Attachment figures assembled..

Monday 4 February 2013

shifting stones set 2 ready for gloss coat

got the rest of the shifting stones shaded then highlighted and painted the grass and skull.

tried just fallout wash over the runes in the middle and the angle..i think I still need to two tone the wash..greener at the out edges of the slope and the yellowgreen around the white ruins .

theyère ready for glosscoat then flocking.

Circle Heavy torso #2

so spent most of the day painting the second circle torso, got most of the base colors down red/black wash then gold highlights over the armor
as well used some black and sewer wash for lining the crevices, obviously need to work on all the detailing highlighting but should be good enough for league.
as well got first stone basecoated and am trying a mix of black and stone wash for the shading of the inner areas before drybrushing the highlights on the stone tomorrow.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Priming and Basing a few more

Just used some brush on primer on second set of shifting stones and druid wilder and Druid overseer.
then did some basic basing material