Wednesday 31 July 2013

Monday 29 July 2013

More LMG and Gun teams

So more of the same infantry team heres 12 more LMG teams and man packed gun teams.
Slowly but surely getting close to being done with these fellas.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Reaper Kickstart cases customized

I've cut out the foam inserts to match some games I had that needed cases

Friday 19 July 2013

isu-122's decals and first one weathered

so got the rest of the decals on the 4 assault guns

after that was all dried up I weathered the first one up. this is what it looks like pre glosscote

I really like the effect its secret weapons yellow earth. I applied a light testor's glosscote to it and just need to let it dry to see how it does.
I did hear in a tutorial video that when you seal it does dull I might just need to be more agressive with it pre dullcoting them to compensate.

and here it is after gloss and dullcote

Thursday 18 July 2013

More ISU-122's

During the great Bones inventory I dipped the tracks of the first ISU-122 and the hulls of the other 3.
Since the first one is completely dry I figured I'd attempt to put some decals on it and see how it goes.
they went on ok I'm not sure if I need to buy a bottle of Decal medium (softener) or if gloss coating over it when it dries before dullcoting will suffice...will find out tomorrow.
Heres a pic of the company so far now..minus Gun barrels which are gonna be done after

Wednesday 17 July 2013


So after almost a year the Reaper Bones kickstarter rewards have arrived...I'm overwelmed
First Things First I wanted to see was if Nethyrmaul was the right size to proxy as ArchAngel for my Legion Army...and yes it should work great.
 here he is side by side with my Circles WoldWrath..tho taller, its mostly due to the rock he's standing on..overall the integrated rockbase  fits perfectly on a 120mm base..

and heres Cthulhu if Minons ever got a Gargantuan..i'd proxy Chthulhu in  a heartbeat.

Kaladrax dryfit

and got all the bagged addons assembled with just wings and cloaks dry fitted for now.

drunk nythermaul

Monday 15 July 2013

Rifle teams finished and started work on ISU-122

so been slowing down abit..but did manage to get the next 4 rifle teams finished

I got all the tanks build from the heavy artillery box set. 1 IS-2 and 4 ISU-122/152 .
I used magnets in the hulls and all the Gun barrels so I can use them in which ever configuration is convenient.

I used the armypainter army green colored primer on them and the last 2 SU-122's

i'm trying to see how I can speed paint the vehicles without to much fus(got about 24 tanks,10 transports and 5 armoured transports to get thru)

 after the basecoat I tried a couple layers of drybrushing ablend of the army green with reaper tanned highlights.

after that I painted the details on the tank(wood trim,ropes etc) and the treads..the treads I did in a dark grey then used a wet drybrush tecnique to add gunmetal grey to the higher ridges that would be worn to metal.

after that I then used army painters Darkshade quickshade with a large brush to varnish the hull. I didn't do the wheels or tread since I need to flip t over for those parts after the roof section dries tomorrow.
When thats done I'll apply the decals and try some weathering pigments.

overall I thinjk it will do for tabletop quality. I wish the army green was russian green(deeper color) but for the speed I think it will do.
its still wet I'll see how it looks when its dry.

Monday 8 July 2013

More Command teams finished for soviet FOW army

Got two generic Command Teams(good for 1iC and 2iC) a couple Komissar teams and a nother observer independent team for artillery.

I gotta admit..I'm feeling abit weary of doing these same guys over and over..
Might just need to take a break from these guys soon.. I just keep trying to remind myself that once the bones arrive I'll be overwelmed in newness and to just keep at it and get these last sprews of intantry teams done.

Friday 5 July 2013

Dshk teams finished

so got the 3 anti air teams finished.
overall I think they work ok..i used some fine ground cover flocking instead of sand on these ..which seems to work just as well with some regular static grass mixed in...the magnets hold well  I can pick both the truck and the base up by the figure just held by the magnets..
looks abit weird having sod in the back of the trucks..but what ya gonna do.its a reasonable compromise I think for a better gameplay resolution .I think i prefer the darker green for the gun itself and will use the darker green on guns for anti tank teams and mortars.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

next 4 infantry teams done

so got the last 4 infantry teams based dipped/dullcoted and flocked.
its 2 more rifle teams and two more MG teams(they're the 4 infront)
heres all the infantry teams so far

The russian horde is filling out pretty nicely. I've dipped the DshK teams and  painted the bases.they'll be ready for final assembly tomorrow night.
Im gonna do some more experimental flocking since they're not sculpted bases and if they work out ok I'll proabably do the rest of the large base gun teams the same way.

in the meantime I''ve started painting 2 more command teams,two more Komissar teams and another observer team. with league game tomorrow I probably won't finish painting and dipping them till friday.

Monday 1 July 2013

DSHK mod for Soviet FOW base

inspired by the mod done by the wwpd crew I'm trying to use the plastic dividers from a planno box to create a small insert base.
I glued in magnets into the truck,main base, and the bottom of the planno box mini base.
this way I can move the main AA gun from the truck bed to the portee base for when the truck is removed.

once the woodfiller is dried and I can clean up the edges prime it all and start painting these for this months 1200pt league.