Monday 28 January 2013

stonekeeper basecoating continued

so while the stalker's glosscoat is drying. I'm retunring to the stonekeeper. Got most of the basecoating done.
got the dry brushing done on the stone parts then touched up the area's that got grey speckels from the drybrushing.

This figure is gonna force me to make a decision about this army.

I've been doing an autumn color theme for the living creatures but the stone figures I was planning on leaving the mystic runes as green/yellow glowing,which is more their tradition color.. I hope it won't break the visual cohesion I just kinda feel the stones shouldn't change with the seasons..

as well the gems on the golem/construct type units and this guys chest are traditionally green but i'm thinking of doing that ruby red..or if leave the runes green/yellow should I keep the gem green?

yay! snow day so spending some more time

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