Monday 28 January 2013

stonekeeper basecoating continued

so while the stalker's glosscoat is drying. I'm retunring to the stonekeeper. Got most of the basecoating done.
got the dry brushing done on the stone parts then touched up the area's that got grey speckels from the drybrushing.

This figure is gonna force me to make a decision about this army.

I've been doing an autumn color theme for the living creatures but the stone figures I was planning on leaving the mystic runes as green/yellow glowing,which is more their tradition color.. I hope it won't break the visual cohesion I just kinda feel the stones shouldn't change with the seasons..

as well the gems on the golem/construct type units and this guys chest are traditionally green but i'm thinking of doing that ruby red..or if leave the runes green/yellow should I keep the gem green?

yay! snow day so spending some more time

Sunday 27 January 2013

warpwolf stalker ready for glosscoat

so finished up the highlighting and detailing. I think i'm ready for it to be glosscoated.

Saturday 26 January 2013

warpwolf stalker highlighting

so did some more work on the stalker today,highlighted and shaded the cloth on the neck and highlighted the leather straps and steel buttons.
as well used some softbody black wash to line the inside edges of the gold and red armor then used a just red wash over the red inner parts to try and give it more definition and shading..I think it turned out better then before.
Gonna have to give the gold a once over to clean up some black and red wash stains on the gold.
guess tomorrow I'll start on the skin highlighting

Friday 25 January 2013

warpwolf stalker lining

so did some lining/shading with a dark brown wash and drybrushed the fur. as well added layer of gold to the bronze armor and some gold to the bronze trim on the sword and abit of an armour wash on the muzzle front and clasps and on along the blade of the sword

started basecoating the stonekeeper as well

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Warpwolf Stalker basecoating

nothing much to say..same process just starting to work on the limbs and head

Saturday 19 January 2013

Friday 18 January 2013

Pureblood fininshed

Finished off the Pureblood pieces and now just gotta clearcoat and dull coat it with sealer.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Pureblood Warpwolf highlighting

finally getting back to finishing up the pureblood pieces after abit of a break from painting.
got some basic highlighting on the arms done..both skin and cloth.
I'll have to work on the threading and claws and bone spurs next.

Sunday 6 January 2013

pureblood fur painted

so spent some time drybrushing the fur on the pureblood then cleaned up the paint that got speckled from the drybrushing. did most of the work on the armor on the head as well as lining the arms and hands.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Pureblood warpwolf basecoating

started base coating the pureblood head and arms

Feral Warpwolf Completed

Here we go everything done.
Working on the two other heads and arms in the kit now, pureblood and stalker

Thursday 3 January 2013

feral warpwolf almost complete

finished off the left arm and fixed up the claws on the feet. prepped the base ..think it will need a once over to tidy up any minor blemishes and it'll be ready for gloss coating then dull coating.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Feral Warpborn right arm

so applied one more layer of linewhite/straw highlight to the fur on the head to match the back.
worked on matching the arm to the body as well as hand armor...touched up the base of the bone protrusions on the tail and arm with brown wash.

just pic of western town from gamenight

Tuesday 1 January 2013

feral warpwolf head

working on the head of the feral..mostly done except the nose..think I might need one more shade of highlight to the fur to match the back..but its close.

like this picture from lower perspective