Saturday 29 November 2014

Plast Craft Normandy House EWAR series started

So slowly getting back into doing some painting and terrain building.
I think I'm gonna try and keep these buildings simple.. spraypaint colored primer, wash ,drybrush then minor detail work.

I'm gonna try not painting the inside of this first one and see if that works out for me.
for the base and wooden floors I used dark grey automotive sandable primer(cheap!) since i dont' have any brown primer atm
the roof tiles i used army painters wolf grey colored primer and for the walls Army painters Skeleton Bone colored primer.

I'm not really sure if these foamed pvc pieces need primer at all honestly..but better safe then sorry.

next day i painted the floors with Games workshops XV-88 brown and a 3to1 Reaper Golden Brown ,marigold yellow(which makes same color as xv-88)
then i used Secret  Weapons Algae wash on the roof tiles. SW Sewer Water wash on the wood and a blend of SW Parchment and Sewerwater on the walls(about 5 to 1)
once they're dry I'll drydrush up the base color and highlight abit.

used a blend of Reaper Tanned leather and Linnen white to bring back the midtones of the walls.then drybrushed Reaper Yellowed Bone for the final highlight. Used pure Yellowed Bone to do the window frames and trim.
I used SW fleshwash over the bricks then picked out individual bricks with sewer water and red SW wash's for variation.

Overall I think it looks ok

For the roof I mixed 1:1 REaper denim blue and Ashen Blue to dry brush up the midtown then a 1:1 ashen blue and rainy grey for the final highlight color

used some golden brown with more marigold yellow added to highlight the wood floors and some grey for the floor base sides.
painted the door reaper oiled leather brown then when dry used sewer water to wash, when that dried used a blend of tanned shadow and marigold yellow to edge highlight.
painted the cinderblock corners grey and inside of the windows grey since I dont want these windows transparent

got the walls and floors all glued together its coming together pretty well. still need to do alot of the trim and finish installing the roof.

got the trim and shutters painted and attached. overall i'm pretty happy with the kit..for a budget gamer that doesn't wanna scratch build everything seems like the best option..