Saturday 30 August 2014

Bolt action .30cal Marines

after many delays I got the redeploying .30cal team painted and dipped about 20mins ago.. so it'll be 3 days before I can base them.

gonna work on the other 30cal team and try and stagger them. working on more then 3 at a time just kinda bums me out so not gonna try and
force things to much.

Here's a pic nice and shiny and wet..the shading will settle and after the matt varnish will be slightly less pronounced.

Sunday 24 August 2014

battlegroup house rules

gonna test out a harder area fire effect table and see how it plays out.

Friday 22 August 2014

More Bolt Action finished

Finished up the FOO team just basic basing..

Based the Mortar team on a large base used some plastic bamboo I ordered from China for making terrain but I think it works for basing..might be to tall tho..might need some tall grass aswell..any thoughts would be welcome

Monday 18 August 2014

Bolt Action USMC FOO dipped

I got the next 5 figures painted..the other two from the FOO and the 3 men and Mortar from the 81mm Mortar team.

Due to how I've thinned the army painter dip over the years with Turpentine (I prefer it abit thin) it takes about 78hrs to really harden before applying the final Liquitex Matt Varnish.

Heres the first figure finished and flocked(think the plastic plants are to neon I'll need to buy some others) with the 2 other guys from the FOO just dipped acouple hours ago and then pic of the 3 marines from the 81mm team.

Friday 8 August 2014

bolt action marines started

so I got the US Army FOO since they don't make a Marines FOO yet..I'm gonna start with these 3 to try and nail down the paint recipes.

Basecoat is as follows,
uniform: army painter army green
Skin: reaper tanned skin
belts and pouches: 2:1 Reaper Tanned Leather: Reaper Olive Green
Radio hardware : Reaper olive green
gun wood and helmet straps: oiled leather
boots and gun gun barrels etc: walnut brown

skin: blend 1:1 tanned skin , tanned hightlights, final highlight pure tanned highlight
Uniform 2:1 army green,tanned highlight .mid highlight 1:1 ratio of the same Final highlight 1:2 green to tanned highlight
Belts and Pouches used same but added bit of linen white to it..then more linen for last highlight
Radio Hardware I just added some alien flesh grey to the olive green and line/edge highlighted.
gunwood and helmet straps: 2:1 oiled leather and added tanned leather then final 1:1

boots : slight layer of blackened brown and then some small edge highlights of alien grey .
gun and clasps: a thin layer of gun metal

Used Army Painter Strong Tone and used a brush to apply the dip and used a cheap fine brush to wick out the excess.
Its still wet but I've found it really takes 48hrs to really dry and harden before applying a matt cote to it and flocking.

So heres wet dip effect till monday , got the next one primed and ready to paint.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Ironclad Miniature's Eastern Front terrain Finished!

OK well still need to varnish the railstation and matte varnish the church..but its all done

Heres pic ..with roads, forests, hedges and fields..should do the trick.

small railway station progress

finished applying washe's ad drybrush highlighting to the trainstation. I think I need to use some weathering pigment to add some stains to the walls which are just to clean and being smooth dont' have any detail for wash's to stick to.

but its coming along now.

used some yellowd earth to dirty up the walls..i think it looks better now

Wednesday 6 August 2014

small railway station basecoated

got the core basecoat up applying some wash's for shading then cleaning up midtones before highlighting and detail work.
The bricks at the bottom will end up being closer to the red/brown of the doors when its done. just leaving the more orange for the base

Tuesday 5 August 2014

trainstation colors based off of this photo

I like the colors of this station so gonna base it on those

I used a 2:1 ratio of reaper mahagany brown and citadel ratskin flesh for the roof

I'll try probably a 1:1 ratio of mahagany brown and fresh blood, side wood and doors and window frames
gonna try yellowed bone for the walls ..same orange and red brick I used for the chimney's for the foundation and grey for the platform.

k got the roof basecoated and the doors and sidewood ..might need to redo abit more red..its subtle difference.between it and the roof i ended up doing a 1:1:1 Mahogany brown, ratflesh orange and fresh blood...maybe need that to be 1:1:2

15mm Russian Trains station

I'm really  not sure which  colors to use for this one.
What I'm thinking is as follows.
1. The foundation and platform : grey
2. Bricks under the chipped walls: red/orange...
3. Roof : green like church? or tin color like the house.
4. The walls are smooth plaster unlike the rough texture of the houses..same creme color or would beige or even Indian red or Green be a better idea?

Welp any ideas I'd appreciate.

Monday 4 August 2014

Woodland Sceneic Trees begun

Oh ya I started some tree's..21 Armetures all posed..gonna try one small one with Aleene's tacky glue, one with Glue gun and if they don't go well I'll go buy the Hob-E-Tac and do it the right way LOL

small russian chapel finished

used a blend of algae and stone wash to shade the roof and dome. then used the basecoat color to layer and blend in the edges .
I ended up using a one to one of the LED blue and Goblin green to highlight the raised edges of the roof and dome.
for the dome topper I just mixed 1:1:1 shiney silver,ancent copper and new gold to make a more platinum color.

Here it is from a few angles..overall I'm happy with how it turned out..Might have added abit of platemail metal to the green of the roof and make it abit demimetalic.maybe for the trainstation roof.

Sunday 3 August 2014

small russian chapel started

got the chapel primed and using a 3 to 1 blend of goblin green to LED blue for the roof
gonna use same colors as plastered walls for church..see how it look.

got the basecoat work all done..did a light wash on the walls then drybrushed them back up..its subtle in the picture due to being abit overexposed.

gonna work on more highighting and shading for the roof tomorrow and the detail work.

Saturday 2 August 2014

game report

Just some quick pics i remembered to take during 500 Point game of Battlegroup Fall of the Reich I played with Matt.
It was using the attack/counter attack scenerio playing a blue on blue match since we both only have allied armies.
Some minor concessions were made(german only chits worked for anyone for example).

Overall it was a hoot had a lot of was a real slobberknocker that went down to the wire before finally defeating the US forces.

Friday 1 August 2014