Monday 30 June 2014

Petlyakov Pe-2 painted

so got the first shapeways plane painted up..camo came out way better not sure yet about dipping it tho I gotta get some more decals.

Working on a Yak-3 as well, I might dip the Yak and see how it looks before doing the PE-2

Sunday 29 June 2014

IL-2 Sturmovik painted

got most of the painting done on the Il-2 , gonna do the PE-2 and Yak-3 next.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Empire of the Dead supernatural branch modifications

So i got the retail set of Bobbies all customized best I could with my newbie sculpting skills.
Things are alittle rough around the edges but hopefully i can paint over those enough to make it work.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Kursk Champaign Turn 5

So we got our 5th game in of the Battlegroup Kursk Campaign..which happened to be turn 5.
Not much of an AA Report just a few pics and comments.

Heres our initial Deployments
The Germans were setup in the village with a couple AT guns in the small houses on the Russian deployment side and all the other infantry dug-in in fox holes. Two of his Panzer IV's were initially in the woods on German side of the village and one was tucked in the back by the church.

The Soviet command teams were deployed on the edge of the Fields so they'd have visibility for spotting for Artillery and Mortars.
The rest of the infantry teams were all Tank Riding on the 6 churchills(KV1 proxied)

The initial Katyusha barage came in great and even using a harassing barrage I ended up with 3 direct hits.

I think one 3man MG team was destroyed 1 5man rifle team was pinned. but the best was the rolls for the 6man command team in the north house.

For the direct hit rolling 6 dice needing 3's to hit here was the result.

Needless to say the german player made the 4+ single infantry save..on the pinning roll.....I rolled another yep 6 of 7 were ones LOL.
The Dice Gods  sure are a fickle bunch..Had to laugh can ya we proceeded to have a long drawn out 5hr match of struggling kill each other in what we had expected would be a quick game due to being so close to each other on deployment. Heh that'll teach us :)

Over all tho was a hoot the Germans wittled away at my soviets abit more then I could vs. It might have to do with 6 of the 12 chits the german player pulled were special chits..vs my no special chit pulls(germans forgot their plane so I lent him mine to proxy)

At the time we had to call it due to the Club closing I was within 8 of breaking my Battleratting and the German was still 20 away so we awarded the German player the victory and campaign will continue.. If the soviets had won it would have put a campaign victory out of reach for the german it were we are now at 4 to 3 for the Soviets for points...its still anyones game.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Zuzzy Scourged Forest gaming mat finished

So I started painting this last year but got frustrated and put it aside. I was at the point of buying a new grass matt for 15mm wargaming and remembered this was put aside and decided to finish it up and give it a try for use with Battlegroup as well as 28mm Fantasy gaming(which I had bought it for originally).

Overall I'm happy with how it turned out..I had wished I had done more of a yellow/brown dried green grass color I think it would have suited the Eastern front better but We'll see how this works out with some terrain on it in game with teddybear fur fields and roads and buildings etc.

heres a few pics wiht a couple close up so you can see the molded detail in the rubber latex

Thursday 5 June 2014

Finished up Soviet civillians and Soviet Medic teams

so used last few 15mm figures I had to make a combat medic, stretcher team and a proxy sniper.
as well finsihed up the soviet civilans to be used with the Fall of the Reich Refugee rules.